Current Patch Version: |
2 . 0 . 0 - 6 Loaded: Feb 3 00:49 AM MDT |
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 6
Built: 02 / 03 / 2025
Database - Modified the column for the user to be a multiple combination column event, so the database code does NOT try to make the column unique anymore.
Picture Viewer - Fixed the zoom in to pictures code to work again with the new season year and team id values that were changed in recent database config changes.
Stat Tracking - Updated code to match the database config updates that recently happened. |
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 5
Built: 01 / 26 / 2025
Practice Plans - Corrected the code that reads the directory of documents to ONLY match files that are practice plans. Previously, the command was matching repository used files and directories, which was causing weird output on the plan list, which wasn't desired.
- Added Week 8 and 9 practice plans.
Photo Page - Updated database tables to the new year/team format trackers, so the page should once again allow team specific photos to be uploaded.
Database - Removed unique key from Medical record table, while the transition from the old way of tracking medical forms to a player, to now for a season, in case player is on multiple teams. |
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 4
Built: 01 / 24 / 2025
Scripts - Added a script to make updates to calendar event descriptions. This script allows "quick" fixes to naming conventions in calendar events. For the origin purpose of this script, changing JENKINS to MITCHELL in all calendar events after the 15th of January, 2025.
Attendance/Birthday Alerts - Removed debug code that was preventing the site from sending out text/email alerts about birthday/attendance alerts, should start working again when this is loaded, as well as catch up on any previous alerts that haven't got sent. |
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 3
Built: 01 / 22 / 2025
Tab -> Roster - Anyone flagged for "Coaches" mode in the access page, will be able to now see the "Developmental Season" menu option under the roster tab now.
Menu -> Developmental Season - Coaches will now see the page with all "editable" options turneed off. Filters still apply, but the ability to modify anything on the page has been removed.
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 2
Built: 01 / 15 / 2025
RPM Package - Fixed an issue where the web server configuration file was getting altered in a way that made the site unreachable. The proper hostname is used now to determine the correct configuration value to use.
Mobile App - Rewrote the cookie gathering function to account for multiple cookies from the same site. Found the mobile app and the club site could create seperate cookies, which threw off the cookie query function.
- Didn't know cookies were path specific for a website, so updated cookie creation to indicate the cookie is for the entire site, and not just for the the mobile app area.
Calendar Items - Fixed an issue where creating new events were not updating on the calendar. Should now display for the proper "season" year.
- When trying to add a new alert, adding a team to set alerts up for was not showing up in the alert list, once selected. Should be now.
- Filter for which teams to show on calendar should once again work correctly and only show teams user is interested in.
Attendance Page - Will now jump to the right date when the link is opened to default page. Previously, page was always selecting the first date of the season every time, which was not a desireable thing users wanted to see.
Version: 2 . 0 . 0 - 1
Built: 01 / 04 / 2025
Configuration Page - Added configuration item: "Hide Register". This allows the admin to configure the number of days a session will show to parents on the registration page before it no longer shows up. Default is 21 days.
Mobile App - Added initial tables to prep for the mobile app release being included.
- Main page for list of teams, and the ability to add/remove new teams is completed. - Created link table to tie club team to the team in the members section is completed.
- Schedule will now sync with the hot shotz tool website calendar for a team.
- Home page can now be posted to.
Coach Dictionary - Added "Player Coach" to the list of coaching titles.
Roster -> Developmental Season - Increased the width of the date of birth field. On mobile devices, this field was a little too small, which was causing the year to be chopped off. Increased field width by 2 characters, so hopefully that should show on everyone's devices now.
- Fixed an issue where on computer browsers, the expansion of the player list would not show large empty blocks of white, while on android/apple devices, would show these large empty areas. This has ben corrected, and the page should load correctly on any device looking at the lists now.
- Added a "My Filter" button at the top-left of the page. This button allows the user to custom show what columns/sessions on the page to work with. Previously, all columns were being shown, as well as all sessions. This made for a hard time if user wasn't interested in all the details. The filter does NOT affect excel output.
Tab -> Coaches - Added menu item "Practice Plans". This page acts like a repository, and holds links to the work docs Kevin/Dani have been providing for developmental plans for the season(s). |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 6
Built: 11 / 07 / 2024
Search Page - Will now strip leading/trailing spaces from the search field before submitting a search. Previously, any space before or after the name, would not match anuthing, even when having a valid name. Now, the spaces are removed before the query to find matches is submitted.
- When searching for a name that has no matches, the spinner will no longer spin endlessly, but will terminate now.
Attendance/Birthday Alerts - Scripts have been rewritten to handle the new database flow for club players with keys, rather then a medical form based off a matching name value. |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 5
Built: 11 / 05 / 2024
Calendar Settings Page - History link should now work properly with database updates.
- Assessment page should work properly with database updates. |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 4
Built: 11 / 03 / 2024
Attendance Page - Fixed issue of old library to old database table code still being in place for making updates to attendance ID's and comments.
Registration Season Removals - Added a check to make sure if the page is "reloaded" after removing a season, the code does not log empty messages, but will instead check to see the registration ID still exists, before proceeding to work/log information. |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 3
Built: 11 / 03 / 2024
Registration Removals - Added a logic check when a removal is requested, that if the request happens twice, the code will check, and find out it was already removed, and provide an error back to the web page caller, and not to the database, and log a "blank" entry set of non removed items.
Medical Form Updates - Some parents were still getting through making medical updates, and log file was not showing any values. Code now checks these values are set before allowing any updates, and if not, returns an error message stating the user is not logged in to make updates.
Roster Sheet, Birth Form Counts - Will now look at the image file, and not the extension file to know whether the image has been loaded or not, which should make the counts accurate on the site when looking at team roster counts.
Club Player Add - Will now log the DOB that was used for the player along with the rest of the information.
Attendance Page - Has been updated with the new database tracking of player keys
Calendar Settings Page - Adjusted to the new database tracking of teams/player keys |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 2
Built: 10 / 31 / 2024
Search Page - Parent name and emails will now show as a link for the ROOT mode user, which will take the user to a page that can be used to modify email/parent names for the player, for the selected season.
- Parent and Parent Emails will no longer appear in a text box for anyone searching. but will instead show as plain text now.
Medical Form - Cleaned up residue of a database column that is not being used in the table, but somehow is getting calculated into the code, causing the signatures to crash.
- Fixed an issue where Aspen(alphabetically first player), was showing up in emails in the subject line as the medical form being completed. Name will now be pulled from an ID value, and not the generic first value it finds.
Parent Information Update Page - If player was on multiple teams, the button to return user to the roster page would toggle/randomly change from one team to another. FIxed code to now show all teams the player is on as return buttons to any of the rosters needed to be looked at.
- If any spaces are added before or after thge parent name or email, they are stripped prior to working with the values.
Tab -> Admin -> Merge Player - Aligned and spaced update button on bottom of page. Was cludgy stuck up against the list, and not centered, was just aweful to look at.
Tab -> Coaches - Will no longer show for everyone, as a tab item with nothing under it wasn't very useful/helpful. Tab will now only show for root, admin, and coach mode users on the site.
Calendar Uploads - Added Emperor to the list of match items to copy over into calendar.
- Added Summer Soiree to match items to copy over to calendar.
- Removed debugging lines that were adding test output to the output logs, which makes it hard to debug real issues.
Roster Page - Season roster will once again show all the coaches on the page for the teams.
- Add Player page now includes the DOB value to enter
- Removing a player will now use the new tables to do the removal calls. |
Version: 1 . 2 . 0 - 1
Built: 10 / 30 / 2024
Major Revision - Uping major revision by 1. This re-write is still not complete, but has the essential pieces to get parents what they need for players with multiple teams for a season. Will work on updating the other missing parts as time permits.
Database Update - To make unique player keys, the DOB has been included, and a new key introduced into the database, to help identify a player for one or more club teams in one season, as well as a player name that may change from year to year for whatever reason.
Player Search Page - Has been adjusted to search the new key table, rather then the roster table, which showed dupliates, which was hard to tell which player you wanted to get information for.
- Table output has been adjusted to group information together based on the year. Output rows should be grouped together based on the year, and then by teams. This makes the medical form and birth certificate show only once for a season year, rather then for each team for a season year, so parents only need to do one form.
Tab -> Admin -> Merge Player - This page will allow the root mode person to combine a player, that for whatever reason, was registered in 2 different seasons, with 2 different names, but the same person, to combine them together into one of the 2 people. This makes it so parents don't end up getting multiple players for different seasons with variations in their names, allowing them to reuse forms from previous seasons.
Email Accounts - Creating accounts will now allow an email address to have dashes in it. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 16
Built: 10 / 27 / 2024
Tabs -> Admin - Added new menu item called "Announcements". This page will allow adding. modifying, and removing of subject/information on the home page. Images can be references from the picture directory, but their ID number. To include a photo in the announcements, a tag of <$photoID > should be used in the body of the announcement, and can have html arguments added to tailoer the picture. Clicking on the picture for a better view should take user to the photo album. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 15
Built: 10 / 15 / 2024
Tab -> Roster -> Developmental Season - Added "EMAIL" buttons for each season, and for each session. This button will take the user to an email page that can be used to send emails to the parent emails that are listed for each player for the given session/season. - Excel file output will now include a column with the comments from the parents that were given in the registration form.
Tab -> Roster - Added new menu item called "Sent Emails". This page will show the logged in user, a list of all emails they have sent out. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 14
Built: 09 / 09 / 2024
Developmental Registration Listing - Player Experience, Player Shirt shize, and Payment method are not modifyable fields.
Registration Form - Will now log the correct value for the players experience. Previously, it was logging the machine code value, which isn't helpful in a log. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 13
Built: 08 / 13 / 2024
Patch Page - No dates on the patches wasn't helpful. Dates for the patches and when the current patch was loaded should now show on the page. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 12
Built: 08 / 13 / 2024
Patch Page - Cleaned up format of output to be more presentable. Previously, was just a mockup of a version number to display.
- Will now include all previous patch notes/versions in the output. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 11
Built: 08 / 13 / 2024
Registration Form - Changed the display of spots available to only show when spots left are 3 or less. Otherwise, nothing will show in the column. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 10
Built: 08 / 05 / 2024
Registration Submissions - Will now check for duplicate submissions, based on the season ID, the player name, and the parent email combination. If that combo exists in database already, no new entry/email work will be done.
- Logging will now indicate the user as "UNKNOWN ( 0 )" for the value of who submitted the request. As we aren't entirely sure who submitted the request, we want to be able to keep our logging clean in case we need to find references of what happened.
Development Roster Paid Updates - Will now validate whether the paid option has already been completed or not. This should solve any "duplicate" requests that come from a web page resubmission. If the action is already done, function call will return a "3" code indicating nothing was done.
Developmental Roster Listings Page - Added button at top of page to return to the menu item web page in case usere wants to proceed elsewhere on the site.
- Player Name, Player DOB, Parent Name, Parent Email, Parent Cell, Emergency Name, Emergency Phone are now editable fields.
Access Control List - Added a drop down option to "show" removed accounts. Previously, all accounts, including removed ones, were displayed. Now, by default, only active accounts will be shown. User will need to select "Show Removed Accounts" if they want to see removed accounts as well as active accounts. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 9
Built: 08 / 04 / 2024
Development Roster Page - Removed the checkbox for removing an account.
- Removed checkbox has been replaced with a drop down option. This option will allow to select a removal of the player registration, as well as moving the player from one season to another. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 8
Built: 08 / 01 / 2024
Registration Form - Fixed date range calculations.
- Selected Seasons can now be "Un-selected"
- Sorted list of seasons for a session by first their weekday, and then by starting age. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 7
Built: 07 / 31 / 2024
Prod Mods - Modifications to support production. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 6
Built: 07 / 31 / 2024
Email Lib - CLeaned up a few lose ends. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 5
Built: 07 / 31 / 2024
Email Library - Had to do some major cleanup, library looked pitiful. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 4
Built: 07 / 31 / 2024
Registration Page - Will now allow selection of multiple season items, only 1 from each session though.
- Agr range calculations will now show the range in the error message of what is valid.
Registration Response Page - Will now only show the payment type selected for the response. Previously, all payment methods were shown. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 3
Built: 07 / 30 / 2024
Registration Pages - Removed coaches access to the developmental admin pages.
- List of sessions/seasons will no loner collapse/expand, the list is now shown, regardless.
- Flipped Parent Signature and emergency contact around so emergency contact info happens before parent sugnature.
- Changing the DOB field to another value will now cause the parent signature to reset, if the parent had already signed off previously before submitting.
- DOB field has had a 3 month buffer added to the check to see if player age falls within a valid session age range.
- Added payment method and additional comments section to the page.
- Email for the registration submission will now go to the parent that registered, and will CC and folks defined in the configuration section to receive a copy of it.
- Fixed debug emails to use multiple emails in the configuration section. Previously, the list was piped into an array, but treated as a hash, so only the first item in the list was getting emailed.
- Added cost column to the session/season breakdown.
Roster Page Breakdown - Added Payment type to the table list of items for registrations. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 2
Built: 07 / 28 / 2024
Registration Pages - Added more abilities to modidy information on the registration pages. |
Version: 1 . 1 . 0 - 1
Built: 07 / 24 / 2024
Registration Page - Added in prototyping of the code for the registration information. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 13
Built: 07 / 06 / 2024
Access Controls - Changed removing accounts to setting a remove setting instead. This makes it possible to show the user in other pages that might be tracking history, so the pages don't show blank values going forward. Account can be actived again through the access page.
Photo Gallery - Fixed/Added replying to posts on the photos. Previously, this section was never completed, so should be working now. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 12
Built: 05 / 25 / 2024
Birthday Alerts - Will no longer send out birthday alerts for players that are 10 days before the season starts, or 10 days after the season finishes.
systemd Update - Added a dependency check on the database, before the deamon process starts up. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 11
Built: 05 / 19 / 2024
Cron Material - Removed all cron material, as system now uses systemd for all cron running material. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 10
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Stuff - Last time, crosses fingers. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 9
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Stuff - Almost there, I promise. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 8
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Stuff - Not a word!!!!! |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 7
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Work - I know, I know, almost there!!!! |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 6
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Testing Still - Almost there! =) |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 5
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Testing - More RPM testing! |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 4
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
Test 2 - Seeing if I can resolve the RPM package issues... |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 3
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
RPM Package - Tried to clean up the "pre" section for adding group/account to not output the information from the output. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 2
Built: 05 / 15 / 2024
Deamon Script - Cleaned up debug output. |
Version: 1 . 0 . 0 - 1
Built: 05 / 08 / 2024
COMPLETE RESET - Code has been revamped to be more modernized with selinux, firewalld, and systemd properties/usage.
Home Base - Moved all code references from /opt/fedex/ to /opt/project. |